Sunday, 17 April 2016

Commercial real estate listing

Let us first understand what is meant by the term commercial real estate? and only then, we would be able to understand out topic better. The commercial real estate denotes all the properties that are related to commercial or business activities. Thus, it includes various offices, business establishments like the retail showrooms; open big spaces as well as constructed spaces in different factories etc. It is different from the residential real estate in the manner that here the people do not live but come to work and leave. I think now the reader must have got the exact idea about the term commercial real estate. Let us now understand what is meant by ?commercial real estate listings.


The term commercial real estate listings are related to the buying and selling of the real estate. As is known to all of us that there are many real estate transactions including the commercial real estate that takes place in any nation. There are many persons etc holding the commercial real estate who sell it because of various reasons. The main aim of most of them is to sell it at highest possible amount and that too in a short span of time so that the money received can easily be utilized. It is here when the commercial real estate listings come into picture. There are many real estate companies, real estate agents etc that provide the facility of commercial real estate listings. It is basically listing of the concerned commercial property at a specified website etc, where the prospective buyer of the property can easily know about it. Also, the price at which the commercial real estate is expected to be sold is also given, though it can be negotiable also. So, by listing the property, the seller of the commercial real estate attracts many buyers so that the deal can be done easily. There are of course many aspects that have to be understood regarding the commercial real estate listing so that the concept is fully understood. Let us discuss the various aspects with reference to the United States.


The first aspect related to the commercial real estate listing is the web site at which the property is listed. For example, in the United States LoopNet INC is the number one online source for the listings of various commercial real estate across the nation. As far as the members are concerned, members are those persons who can login to list the property etc, there are about 1.75 million members and this tells us about the reach of the company. When the property is listed at such big online listing sources, there are many chances of real estate being sold quickly as it is logged on to by many persons. If the profile of the commercial real estate is attractive, it can even be sold in a day or two. Thus, while listing the commercial real estate, care should be taken that it is listed at the right type of source. Listing in on the source that has no members or viewing would not solve any purpose.

Almost all the top real estate companies and the realtors are members of Loopnet and thus, they easily list the properties of their client at loopnet. When the property is sole, they too are benefited as they get the commission out of the sale of the property. Also, listing the commercial real estate at an appropriate source would allow the members not only to list the real estate but also to make extensive research in the field of real estate and thus, they can easily reduce their marketing costs. Thus, the members of Loopnet not only enjoy the

  freedom of listing their commercial real estates but also have the opportunity of making an insight into the real estate market. The next aspect that needs to the understood is the different ways in which the commercial real estate can be listed. The real estate can be listed for the purpose of sale or it can also be listed for the purpose of providing it on lease.

When a person logs on to loopnet, he can easily see many properties that are available for sale as well as for lease. The other aspect that need to be understood is that there are many real estate companies, realtors etc that are providing the services of real estate listings. Since they charge for this also, the person who wish to sell the commercial real estate must try to get the property listed, should try to approach that real estate company that lists the commercial real estate on one of the best online sources. Another important aspect of commercial real estate listing that is to be understood is that when the real estate is listed, it should be ensured that all the details have been provided about the property along with the photo of the real estate. This is because full description along with the photo makes the real estate to get sold faster as the prospective buyer can easily come to know about the property when listed in such a manner. The description of the property must include the total constructed as well as left over area, the surroundings, and amenities available and the approach. If any of these links are missing, the property may not get sold in a short span of time and once the property remains listed for three or more weeks, there is every likely that it will remain as it is on the web site. Given above are some of the aspects that need to be understood regarding the commercial real estate listings.


After going through the above article, it can be easily said that if a person wishes to sell the commercial real estate, it is very necessary that he get it listed on the best available source so that it can easily be approached by more number of people. There are many aspects related to the commercial real estate listing, as mentioned above, that need to the be understood.

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